Align With The Universe

Through Ancient Vedic Wisdom

About The Vedic Life

Veda means knowledge. By imbibing authentic knowledge, we can live a Vedic Life, harmonizing our true self with the universal forces around us. ⭐

In doing so, we discover our place within the greater cosmos, allowing us to achieve our life’s purpose while evolving physically, mentally, and spiritually. 🧘

The Vedic Arts and Sciences, such as Jyotish, Ayurveda, and Yoga, are perfect tools towards this end. With these ancient systems, we can understand our karma and uncover our dharma—our soul’s truth. 🪐

A Vedic Life empowers you with this understanding so that you can leave all doubts behind and walk your life path with confidence and grace.☀️

About Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology shares its origins with Yoga and Ayurveda in India’s Vedic texts, which date back over 5,000 years. To this day, Vedic Astrology remains quite popular in India—and for good reason—Vedic Astrology is a powerful tool for self discovery.🌟

In short, Vedic Astrology shows us to look at a map of the heavens at the moment of your birth. This map, aka your birth chart, reveals countless important details about your life. 

Although there are many similarities between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology, given its rich history, Vedic Astrology is far more in-depth and accurate. Using the sidereal zodiac, Vedic Astrology is more aligned with the stars than its Western counterpart, which is actually based on the seasons. ☀️

Moreover, the use of the 27 nakshatras, or lunar mansions, gives Vedic Astrology immensely pinpointed accuracy beyond the standard twelve zodiac signs, which is grounded in the Veda’s rich mythology. These lunar mansions provide a wealth of knowledge regarding your celestial archetype and the role you’re here to play in this life. ✨

Beyond this, Vedic Astrology uniquely draws upon the dasa system, an advanced system used to time future events, thus giving us deep insights into our past, present, and future. 🌙

About Me

Hi, my name’s Griffin; I’m the founder of The Vedic Life. ⭐

My life changed in 2014 when I discovered the profound depth and accuracy of Vedic Astrology. My then-atheist, science-minded self couldn’t fathom how something so seemingly outside the realm of reason could, in fact, work so well. 🤯

With my worldview blown open, I became obsessed with the Vedic Arts and Sciences. I loved how their wisdom so seamlessly balanced spirituality with the rationalism I valued. 🤔

Given my infatuation, over the past six years, I’ve explored the subject deeply. In addition to completing countless hours of independent research, I earned a B.A. in Vedic Astrology from the American Academy of Vedic Arts and Sciences, studied Ayurvedic Astrology via Dr. David Frawley and the Narayana School of Ayurveda, and imbibed the authentic wisdom of Yoga via my Himalayan Guru. ☀️


My Approach

I specialize in Vedic Astrology and incorporate Yoga and Ayurvedic philosophy to provide holistic Vedic counseling to hundreds of clients around the globe. In my readings, I provide you with deep insights into your true self, path, and purpose. ✨

We will discuss how the celestial energies are manifesting for your health, career, love life, family, finances, education, creativity, and more. With this knowledge, you will understand your innate gifts and how to maximize them. 

You will also understand your unique challenges during this lifetime, and how you can work to overcome them to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.🧘

Although I’ve been giving readings for six years, I’m still stunned by the accuracy that this ancient wisdom holds for my client’s lives. 

I’d love to share that sense of wonder with you. If you’re ready to see how the stars are aligning for you, feel free to book a reading with me via Zoom using the form at the bottom of this page. 🌙



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