Vedic Astrology ReadinGS

Reading Options

Full Chart Reading☀️


Over 1.5 hours we will discuss every aspect of your birth chart. This includes details about your unique dharma or life path, as well as your inherent gifts and challenges in this life. We’ll also cover details about your career, love life, family, home-life, education, wealth, spirituality, and more.🌙

Compatibility Reading❤️


Over one hour, we’ll compare your chart to a person of your choice. This could be a romantic partner, friend, business partner, or family member. We’ll look into the karma between you, how you will naturally get along, the challenges you’ll face, and the longevity of your partnership🌙

Year Ahead Reading🔮


Over 1.5 hours you’ll learn about what is to come in the year ahead through advanced Vedic Astrology techniques like mahadashas and transits. This awareness will help you to plan ahead, learning how to navigate hard times and to make the most of good times. 🌙

Custom Reading✨

⭐⭐⭐Message For Pricing⭐⭐⭐

I’ll answer any specific questions you have about any area of life. Topics may include career, relationships, moving homes, travel, education, family matters, etc. I can also give you specific, auspicious dates for when to start certain projects. Use the form below to send me your questions. 🌙

Schedule a reading
