Discover your Soul’s Purpose

with Vedic Astrology

We are children of the stars

Vedic astrology is powerful tool for self discovery. At the moment of your birth, the planets and stars aligned. By analyzing your unique alignment, this ancient wisdom reveals your dharmayour soul’s purpose. ☀️

Empowered with this knowledge, you can correct your weaknesses and embrace your strengths to evolve physically, mentally, and spiritually.✨

Beyond providing self-understanding, Vedic astrology also reveals the energies of the past, present, and future.⭐

With these insights, you can live a Vedic life, harmonizing your unique gifts with universal forces around you to reach your full potential. 🌙

Your Birth Chart

In your reading, we’ll spend 1.5 hours covering each unique aspect of your Vedic astrology chart, including your archetypal personality, career, wealth, family, relationships, spirituality, life purpose, and more.☀️ 

I also offer one-hour compatibility readings, where we’ll look at your chart in relation to a person of your choice. This will help you understand the karmas between you, as well as how your relationship will unfold.❤️

Please use the email form at the bottom of the page to arrange a reading via Zoom. Be sure to include your birth details.🌙 


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